First of all, players can have multiple Superstar types now so you no longer have to make the decision on whether T-Mac will be a High Flyer, Scorer, Shooter or Play Maker - now he's all of them. We've done a ton to Freestyle Superstars this year. We have five superstar types this year - High Flyers who pull off crazy dunks, Scorers who do athletic lay-ups, Shooters who can take a bunch of different jumpers, Play Makers who can dish the ball in a variety of ways and Post superstars who can pull off big power dunks. It also allows players to be differentiated from one another on a more detailed scale and showcases the NBA stars. Tim Tschirner: Freestyle Superstars is all about giving you ultimate control over your players and giving you the opportunity to do what you want when you want.
What's it mean to the gamer and give me an example of each player role with the sickest player.